Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Book review: "The Wonderful Room: The Making of a Texas Newspaperman"

At just 63 pages, "The Wonderful Room" is a short and enjoyable read about a young man's experiences as a newspaper reporter in the 1950s.

Author Bryan Woolley was just out of high school when he got a reporting job in El Paso, and he describes the excitement he felt of becoming a "real" newspaperman. Soon he was covering murders, fires and suicides, and began to wonder if it is strange that he was getting used to the sight of dead bodies. He recalls being terrified to ride with police because they drove so recklessly.

It's not all cops and robbers. Woolley also got to interview such notables as Louis Armstrong, Ty Cobb and Conrad Hilton.

I enjoyed reading about how the author's gruff editor twice fired him once because Woolley refused what the editor called a promotion then changed his mind before Woolley had even left and "unfired" him.

My only real complaint about the book is that it's too short. I read it all in about an hour.

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