It was on the set of "Parks and Recreation" that Rob Lowe taught Jim O'Heir how to kiss.
I know what you're thinking. but it wasn't like that. O'Heir had asked Lowe for tips on how to kiss on camera. The handsome Lowe, who played Chris Traeger on "Parks and Rec," had much experience kissing on various shows and movies. O'Heir, who played Jerry, well, didn't have such experience. So Lowe offered some pointers:
"Initially, you keep your mouth closed when you go in for the kiss," Lowe said. "When your lips meet, it's all up to your scene partner. If she parts her lips, then you can follow suit. If she slips in a little tongue, then you can go ahead and say hello with yours. Basically, it's whatever your scene partner is comfortable with."This is one of the many stories Jim O'Heir tells in "Welcome to Pawnee," his 2024 book about his experiences as a comic actor. Most of the book is about his time on "Parks and Rec."
There was the time that Chris Pratt, playing Andy, was supposed to appear "naked" in a scene with star Amy Poehler.
"In television this always refers to putting on a dance belt or special shorts and shooting from the waist up," O'Heir explained. "You can imagine everyone's surprise — including Amy Poehler's genuine shock, which you see in the final edit — when she opens the door to se that Chris Pratt is indeed very, very naked."
"Welcome to Pawnee" is filled with many such funny and offbeat stories. It is also an affectionate memoir of O'Heir's time on "Parks and Rec." I admit that I roll my eyes when actors describe the cast of their show or movie as "family," but when O'Heir uses that term he makes a pretty convincing case that it was true in this case.
He recounts being comforted by Poehler after his mother's death; the show's producers even offered to pay for food at her memorial service. He recalls how he and actress Retta, who played Donna, bonded in the early days of the show when they weren't sure if their roles would be a permanent part of the series. He remembers how Chris Pratt expressed concern on the set that some of the "Jerry jokes" on the show were too mean-spirited.
One thing you won't find in this book is dirt. O'Heir has almost nothing but positive things to say about his castmates as well as the producers and writers on the show. I was wondering if O'Heir might spill the tea on the dumping of actor Paul Schneider (who played Mark Brendanawicz) in the second season, but beyond acknowledging that it happened, he honestly doesn't seem to have any inside info.
Yes, he does reveal some embarassing moments, but only about himself. For instance, there was the time, as a young comic actor, that he met one of his idols, Mary Tyler Moore, and could barely mumble out a word.
Or there was the time the "Parks and Rec" wardrobe department accidentally gave him clothes intended for Nick Offerman (who played Ron Swanson) and O'Heir wore them for a full scene. If you don't know, O'Heir is considerably bigger than Offerman.
"I changed into them but noticed that the shirt was small," he said. "I mean comically small. A rational person would've taken it off and brought it to the attention of the wardrobe department. But not me. I wasn't going to be a troublemaker."
All in all, the book is a fun, light read for any fan of the "Parks and Rec," filled with a ton of memorable bits and pieces about the show and O'Heir's background. The book nicely includes subsections with the voices of Poehler, Pratt, Adam Scott (Ben), and others connected to the show.
Some nuggets:
O'Heir actually first auditioned for the role of Ron Swanson. Today he acknowledges that he was the wrong man for the job. "That character could only have been played by one guy, and his name is Nick Offerman."
O'Heir was only 49 when he played 64-year-old Jerry.
O'Heir and Retta both loved the freebies available at the "gifiting suites" offered at awards shows. "I'm getting mine!" she said.
During the early years of "Parks and Rec" there were repeated comparisons, from both inside the show and outside, with "The Office." I get how this started, since Mike Schur is a creator of both shows. But to me, the two programs are vastly different and that was apparent from the first episode of "Parks and Rec." So the continued comparisons after that point I found bizarre.
O'Heir also shares some stories from other shows, like when he filmed an episode of "Boston Legal," and he had to arrive on the first day of shooting wearing a dress and heels.
He also gives us a peak behind the curtain of how a show this is made. A script is written, followed by table reads, and then re-written. Perhaps re-written again. Perhaps another table read. Then there's hair and makeup for the actors, and stand-ins come in to "block" a scene for lighting, sound and camera angles. Then there can be many takes of a single scene.
"A mix of monotony and repetition, day after day, that is sweetened by snack breaks and hang sessions.," explains O'Heir. "And sometimes by epic dance sessions in the hair-and makeup trailers."